Model dan Tipe Flowmeter Electromagnetic Alia

Berikut Jenis dan model Flow meter,  flow sensor, converter dan flow  transmitter brand Alia Electromagnetic Flow Meter Electromagnetic Flow Sensor Electromagnetic Flow Transmitter / Converter Insertion Electromagnetic Flow Sensor Wafer Electromagnetic flow Sensor AMF301 Series AMF301 Series is a threaded type electromagnetic flowmeter ideal for conductive liquids. It comes in sizes from 4 to 25Lanjutkan membaca “Model dan Tipe Flowmeter Electromagnetic Alia”

Differential Pressure Flowmeter

Differential Pressure Flowmeters (Head Flow Meter) Prinsip operasi Differential Pressure Flowmeters (DP Flowmeters) di dasarkan pada persamaan Bernoulli yang menguraikan hubungan antara tekanan dan kecepatan pada suatu aliran fluida.  Alat ini memandu aliran ke dalam suatu penghalang aliran (yang mempunyai lubang dengan diameter yang berbeda dengan diameter pipa), sehingga menyebabkan perubahan kecepatan aliran (flow velocity)Lanjutkan membaca “Differential Pressure Flowmeter”

Siargo Tipe MF-G Inline Thermal Mass Flowmeter for Gas

Battery-powered in-line Gas flow meter MF – G Siargo Inline Gas Flow Meters Battery-powered in-line flow meter The battery-powered in-line flow meters have been used for process monitor and metrology, especially where explosive gases such as natural gases are of interest. More info and price please contact

Flow Meter Type Glass Tube

Glass Tube Flow Meter Glass tube flowmeter type widely used for installment applications with a vertical system and the amount of flow rate can be read directly and immediately. The tube is usually made from excellent glass material, the pyrex glass. The glass tube flowmeter type often used when pipe does not have a horizontalLanjutkan membaca “Flow Meter Type Glass Tube”

Flow Meter Type Orifice

Orifice Flow Meter Flowmeter of this type, based on its working principle, uses pressure difference and can be used in both high temperature and high pressure. Orifice flowmeter aside from being used to measure liquid flow and gas; can also be used for the steam flow. Flowmeter is available in various materials, from UPVC, PE,Lanjutkan membaca “Flow Meter Type Orifice”

Electromagnetic Flow meter

Magnetic flowmeter atau Electromagnetic flow meter atau sering disebut magmeter  merupakan jenis flow meter yang tidak mempunyai bagian yang bergerak (moving part). Magnetic flow meter ini sangat ideal jika digunakan untuk pengukuran aliran fluida yang tidak homogen, cairan yang kotor, cairan yang mengandung lumpur atau untuk cairan limbah ataupun air intake, air bahan baku, air dari waduk atau sungai yang banyakLanjutkan membaca “Electromagnetic Flow meter”